Serious Science


The MOCNESS can be programmed to open at different depths to collect samples. Awesome piece, on its maiden voyage. -ChC

What is MOCNESS and why do we use it?

MOCNESS is a much-improved, high-tech version of the humble sampling net. The letters in MOCNESS refer to the specific improvements: it’s a Multiple Opening and Closing Net, with an Environmental Sensing System.

As MOCNESS tows behind a research ship, each net can be opened and shut independently so that it samples a discrete patch of water. The researcher chooses exactly when by using the environmental sensing system. This is an array of sensors mounted on the instrument frame that relays water conditions up to the ship in real time. The data also help researchers match what they find in their sample to the physical properties of the seawater.

From: Ocean Instruments

Seal Training

If you can see the seal: a young one is being trained with antennae strapped to its back. (Click image for a larger view.)

seal training

Photos: On Deck